Sunday 18 May 2008

Leaving so soon pt.1

In the summer of 2003 I was 17 and considering where to apply for University, the options seemed so vast and I knew it was like crossroads with many possible directions I could take. All I knew is I wanted to leave (I've always had a sense of adventure) and I wanted to do something business related. I prayed that God would lead me to the right university, and felt I should be more specific in my course than just Business. I decided to do Accounting & Finance as this is the module in Business Studies I most enjoyed, but I also felt I wanted a placement year.

God lead me to Loughborough, it just felt right, I walked around campus on Boxing Day 2003 with my cousin who had been to Loughborough and it seemed like a place I could live. By early 2004 I knew I was Loughborough bound and I visited the church in easter 2004. It was much smaller than New Community Church, Sidcup, where I had been my whole life, but it was so welcoming. The preach was all about John Groves' prophecy of the 2nd half, and a week later while in Sidcup I felt God speak to me about being a 2nd half substitute in Loughborough.

Summer 2004 was a life changing time. I attended the first Newday (the rainy one) and God's presence came upon me powerfully, three days later I headed with my youth group to South Africa, where God proceeded to fill me with his spirit and give me supernatural confidence taking away my shyness.

It was on the back of this that I headed to Loughborough for my first year at university, spiritually closer to God than ever before, and enjoying worshipping him with all my heart.
To Be Continued


Unknown said...

So you're a second half substitute.... I'm not too sure on the terms of your contract? Have we lost you on a Bosman or have you bought out the rest of your contract? :)

Love reading your blog Jon. Please keep posting next year!

Jon Lewis said...

Cheers James, i'll try to continue with the posts.

I think it's a bosman. I wouldn't dare to say it was a loan deal!