Monday 25 August 2008

The Providence of God

For the last couple of months, since moving back to Sidcup, life has been hard. As I ahve previously blogged, I felt called to come back to Sidcup, but I have struggled to find a job and without a job it means I can't move out of home. Last week at church I was just holding on to God and where as previously I had been angry at him for the situation, I repented and prayed Habakkuk's prayer (Habakkuk 3 v17-19), Though I have not a job, though I have not moved out into a new home, though life is tough and doesn't make sense, still I will praise you.

In fact much of the process of the last few months feels like Habbakuk. Asking why Lord?, And understanding that God is sovereign seemed only to make the situation worse! Habakkuk says God why are you going to do this? It doesn't make sense! And why the Babylonians! Habakkuk knew God was doing this, not life, not circumstance, not karma (this is another topic, people say Karma is "everything happens for a reason" and to some extent I believe this is true, but karma has no concept of grace)CJ Mahaney did a great preach on this called "When Life Doesn't make sense" at Together on A Mission 2005.

So I praised God in spite of circumstance, because he is worthy, and he loved me when I was in the miry pit (Psalm 40 v2).

God is faithful and this is how he has blessed me this week.

On Thursday Rachel got in from her trip to Chicago, and I planned to surprise her at the airport. Her flight got in at 8am so I planned the journey leaving Sidcup at 6:11am and arriving at Heathrow at 7:45am. However checking the flight arrival times her flight was getting in early at 7:25, and I was thinking I was going to miss her. Sitting on the Piccadilly line was interminable, the journey seemed to go in slow motion, and then we got to Hounslow. Hounslow, Hounslow, Hounslow, why do you need 3 stations it just slowed me down Hounslow Central, Hounslow East, Hounslow West, couldn't you just have one! Then once we got past Hounslow (the time now being 7:45 and me thinking she's probably already left Heathrow) we stopped at Terminal 4 for 8 minutes! I felt like pushing the train to terminal 1,2,3.

Finally I got there, found terminal 3 arrivals and waited. I soon realised there was a fork in arrivals so passengers could go two ways and I was standing at the end of one, I though tI'm bound to miss her! so I mover to the centre and waited and waited for her to come out. So I phoned her, but not wanting to ruin the surprise I asked where she was and what time she'd arrive at Sidcup station! Finally she came out and I held my banner up saying Rachel, she looked around seemingly oblivious until she finally saw it and I flipped it over to say "Will you go out with me" and she said YES!. Providence of God.

Then Friday I got up early to send my CV over to a firm I'd seen advertising in the paper, I phoned the agency who said it's unlikely I'll get anything until September, dampening my spirits. Then the firm I sent the CV to phoned back and offered me an interview, then one of the jobs I'd applied for on the internet phoned and offered me an interview on Thursday and then one of the firms I'd applied for in June/July and done interviews for, (but they ran out of positions), said someone had dropped out and offered me the position in Redhill!!! So after weeks of no interviews, many applications, signing on for the agency, suddenly the door was opened and I have 2 interviews and a job offer!!! and then Friday night me and Rach had our first date.

God is faithful, the challenge for me now is to continue to rely upon him, trust him and worship him, as the Matt Redman song says "Praise him when I'm laughing, when I'm grieving, every season of the soul". During this time, I've prayed to God (the job process has taken 10 months since my first application), wrestled with God (no dislocated hip though!), and persevered when all felt lost, yet not I, not my works but God's abundant grace has brought this change of situation, still many hurdles remain, house, student work starting up, which job to accept, maintaining and growing our relationship(I'ma complete novice when it comes to dating), but God is abundantly faithful and gracious. Amen and praise his name.


Lizzie said...

so great, Jon, so great! Thanks for sharing this, keep us updated on the job situation!

Unknown said...

Any guy that goes to that much effort to ask a girl out is bound not to mess up the dating bit. Keep it up Jon. ;)

Amy F

Jon Lewis said...
