Tuesday 9 September 2008

A Working Man

I've started work! This seemed a distant reality back in August, when I was applying for anything going. On Thursday and Friday I had my induction in the City office and the last two days I've been at College in Angel studying towards my ACA. I've had to deal with the hustle and bustle of commuting and learning Accountancy all over again.

There is a contrast between being unemployed and working, both have their hardships. Being unemployed requires discipline to get things done and to get up and going, it can be easy to lose half a day when you're unemployed. When you are working there is a different problem, you have to get to work but it is finding time to fit things in around work. Whilst unemployed I struggled to use the abundant time I had to read, now I fit it in while I'm on the train, somehow with less time I am more productive.

It's odd being at college this week, as it reminds me of 6th Form except that I am getting paid to learn! This gives me extra motivation.

However, whichever situation you find yourself in work as if working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23) whether unemployed or working honour God with your time, your heart, your mind all of your life!

Hopefully I'll be able to keep blogging whilst working. It's a busy season at the moment though, with new job, and students coming back soon.

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