Sunday 1 March 2009

Les Miserables

It has been an inordinately long time since I last blogged, due mainly to life's increasing business of business.

Last week was mine and Rachel's 6 Month anniversary of dating each other. To celebrate this I took her to see Les Mis on Saturday night. It was a wonderful afternoon and eening filled with God's provision.

We headed to the station, where we had the romantic photo booth shots. I had just enough loose change to pay for this!

We caught the train and headed into London, we found the restaurant and were told we had a twenty minute wait for a table, which was fine and we had a beverage, when returning to get a table we found out that if we had been 10 minutes later we would have had anything from an hour wait to 2 hours!

We had a shared starter, a main and shared dessert, all with just enough time to leave and get to Les Mis on time. So we arrived at Les Mis at just the right time and were blown away by the amazing story of Jean Valjean. Now I don't want to spoil the story for those who haven't seen it as it is definitely worth going to. But it is a story of amazing love, mercy and grace against which stands the law and injustice. It had a spiritual thread running throughout and drew me closer to God.

We returned back to Sidcup and I walked my beautiful girlfriend home, and said goodnight and went to sleep with the sounds of Jean Valjean in my heADDDDDDDD!!!!!!! (that was me trying to sing at the end, doesn't really work on screen.)

1 comment:

Phil Brown said...

Jon's ALIVE! Thanks for blogging again mate.. you were starting to look a bit like Ralph!

You're such a romantic- you've learned well young squire.