Monday, 4 May 2009

Hard Times, Good God

As ever it's been a long time since I last blogged, sorry about that!

As ever it's been a busy time, with ups and downs, and "sometimes the ups outnumber the downs, but not in Nottingham" (as sung by the Rooster in the disney classic Robin Hood) just replace Nottingham with Sidcup or more specifically my life/ mine and Rach's lives.

However not wanting to dwell on difficulties I've seen the grace of God at every turn, when we face hardships, we also see the glory of God and I certainly understand more of who God is and how great he is.

It would be wrong of me to list all of the troubles we have faced over the last month and things have been hard on and off for many months, but this has given us a greater testimony of God's grace.

My car was crashed into, but fortunately there was little damage and it was not my fault so should be covered by the other driver. This was on the morning I was expecting my exam resit results. Thankfully, I passed and I am grateful to God that I did as I still have my job, due to his grace.

I can't say I understand what I/ we are going through it's hard and at times it really sucks, but then as I look upwards I see how great God is, and when I look in his word I understand that I am not alone in what I go through and I'm certainly not the first, I'm just thankful that I have a great God. There is no one like him, I can genuinely say in every situation God is worthy.

My prayer is not to never suffer, but to glorify God every time it gets hard.

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