Wednesday 5 March 2008

CGI vs Classic Film

I put on one of my favourite films this week, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I hadn't seen it in a while and watching it reminded me why I enjoy it so much.

In a day where we have CGI and amazing graphics in films, it seems to me that we have gained these at the expense of decent scripts and great acting.

Butch Cassidy has some great cinematography, there's some lovely location shots, and a beautiful shot of a bicycle wheel with the light changing on it.

However it is the camaraderie between Robert Redford (Sundance) and Paul Newman (Butch) that lights up the film, I can't think of any recent films that have this feel to it, and as much as I enjoy CGI, for instance I loved the glossiness of Transformers, I wish someone could make a film with a great script and great graphics, or maybe even just a good script. These days films have poor titles, that give away how bad the film is, e.g. Over her dead body, or Snakes on a Plane.

I'll leave you with some classic quotes from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid:

Butch Cassidy: If he'd just pay me what he's spending to make me stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

Percy Garriss: Morons. I've got morons on my team. Nobody is going to rob us going down the mountain. We have got no money going down the mountain. When we have got the money, on the way back, then you can sweat.

Whilst surrounded in a valley by lawmen hired to kill them
Butch Cassidy: Well, the way I figure it, we can either fight or give. If we give, we go to jail.
Sundance Kid: I've been there already.
Butch Cassidy: We could fight - they'll stay right where they are and starve us out. Or go for position, shoot us. Might even get a rock slide started, get us that way. What else can they do?
Sundance Kid: They could surrender to us, but I wouldn't count on that.

[during a gunfight with the Bolivian police, Butch and Sundance run low on ammunition]
Butch Cassidy: We're going to run out unless we can get to that mule and get some more.
Sundance Kid: I'll go.
Butch Cassidy: This is no time for bravery. I'll let ya!

but this fight scene is probably my favourite


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