Sunday 27 July 2008

Jobless, Homeless and Hopelessly Reliant on God

At present I stand jobless, despite having applied for over 10 jobs since November and getting to various rounds, including the final round of applications at least 3 times. It’s getting close to September now and if I haven’t got an accountancy job by then, then I’ll have to wait a year to get something, which is not great news, as I have no idea what else I could do that I would enjoy as much as Accountancy and it would mean doing all the applying and job interviews again!

Homeless, well I’m not homeless, I’m living at home with my parents but the longer the job hunt goes on the more the chances of getting a house with some other guys in the church seems to disintegrate.

And hopelessly reliant on God, well to clarify I’m hopeless in being able to make any of this happen, I apply, yes but I have no control over whether I get the job beyond my interview preparation, and the amount of interviews I’ve done that must be pretty good!

So I’m reliant on God for a job, a house, leading the Students & 20s next year and so much more!!! Sometimes when I sing “It’s all for you Lord”, I think it should be “it’s all on you Lord” but hey he has done it all he has conquered sin and death he reigns supreme over all powers and authorities (Colossians 1:15-18 and Romans 8:35-39), so who better to rely on, who better to trust with my burdens and cares than him!

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