Thursday 17 July 2008

Summer, summer, summer time

I had hoped to blog more than I have but a variety of problems, lack of internet on my computer and my pen drive not working on our home pc, have made it difficult.

I made it to my first Brighton Conference in two years, and it was fantastic, really amazing the passion of the worship and the truth, accuracy and the linking of the teaching meant it was a thoroughly good time. Mark Driscoll brought several messages that had a prophetic nature for Newfrontiers and came with the sharpness of scriptures double-edged sword.

I bought one book at Brighton, Spurgeon's All of Grace (I had been reading on-line) only £2.99!!! It's a fantastic book with great truth and has helped me to grasp the simplicities of grace.

The Tour de France has been a mixture of emotions, Mark Cavendish's three stage wins have made fantastic viewing and Frank Schleck has been great (inspite of his crash see... ) however the three positive drugs tests have shown that cycling is still tainted.

I would love to go into more depth but haven't the time at this point, but I would like to just add the point that, In my opinion riders don't take drugs because the race is to difficult, they do it to get an advantage to win.

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