Monday 8 December 2008

Life is sometimes hard but that doesn't mean it's not fair!

At the moment everything feels like a slog, I have two exams tomorrow, and the stress is mounting! Life seems hard at the moment, lots of pressure as we hurtle towards Christmas, I don't feel like I've had time to catch my breath, let alone blog!

In the words of the prophet Habakkuk (paraphrased), though life is unfair, though things don't seem to make sense, yet I will rejoice in my God.
Though things at the moment are hard (not due to any particular circumstance, just the cumulation of working life), I have found that God is still as worthy as he ever was.

At New Community Church at the moment, we are currently undergoing a move of buildings and a change in the new year to two meetings, whilst as a student work in the church we are moving from the chuch centre to the University Campus, as we want to be at the heart of student life, with the gospel in our hands, building relationships and making disciples.

Is it too much change? It seems that the slightest change, the smallest upheavel can frustrate people, if you don't understand the reasoning, if you don't see the purpose, then the change is a nuisance. Take for instance website changes, Facebook changes its layout and people get up in arms about it, but after a while they get used to it, I suppose it is because we are creatures of habit, but too much comfort is no good.

But don't misunderstand me, we are not moving for changes sake, we feel the purpose of God strongly as a student work to move to Campus, it is a strategic and prophetic move for advancement of the gospel, into one of the darkest places in our area. In the bible we see that the gospel is not hidden but shone out, we see that the Israelites were constantly on the move, even when they were settled in the promised land, their borders constantly changed, and in the new testament we see missionaries open up new areas with the gospel, planting churches and changing lives.

So at times life is hard but it is often better than being comfortable, the times I grow most are when I am stretched, the times I rely on God most are when I'm at the end of my abilities and look to God to see things happen, this is where I am at and pray will always be on my knees, praying for God to move.

1 comment:

GCU said...

Come on Jon, one post a month just doesn;t cut it anymore. Let's get a bit more of that wisdom down on screen