Thursday 5 June 2008

The Final

With the selection process now finished we have our finalists.

The selection process though lengthy, has revealed in many cases the true colours of the candidates and there are the inevitable comparisons between experience and youth, and the different backgrounds and upbringings. What is clear is that you didn't necessarily have to be the best candidate to get to this stage, it is more about staying in the race.

Now in truth I am being a little bit guarded here, I am speaking both about the Apprentice and the US presidency, two vastly different jobs, but still two cut throat selection processes. We now know that the Apprentice finalists will be Helene, Claire, Lee and Alex; whilst the US presidency candidates are the Republican John McCain and the Democrat Barack Obama. However Hilary Clinton is manouvering for position as she has yet to formally acknowledge defeat (despite being defeated) if I was Obama I would perhaps let her hang out to dry and embarras herself, rather than meet her supposed demands for the Vice Presidency.

To get to this stage for all concerned has taken a great deal of effort and in the case of the presidency candidates, resources. It may now be a test of stamina rather than genuine ability, Obama will no doubt be more strained after his intense battle with Clinton for the nomination than McCain who has seemingly strolled into the Republican nomination. However McCain's past health problems may catch up with him as they tour the country campaigning for the November elections. Whilst for the apprentice hopefuls those who are tired now after a gruelling selection procedure will struggle in the final task.

Undoubtedly one of the big issues in the US presidency will be experience versus youth, McCain the war veteran vs. Obama the young senator; and this is a recurring argument in any selection procedure, how do you gain experience if you are young without getting exposure to the top jobs. 1 Timothy 4 v12 says "don't let anyone look down on you because you are young," and as young people we can set an example of how to live and act, but we are also called to respect those more experienced than ourselves. Alex in the Apprentice, despite always being defensive, seems especially so about his age being just 24, youth is not there to defend it is there as a positive with potentially years to learn from those ahead of you.

This quote from Pitt the Younger whilst being humourous also serves to make the point about youth and experience.

Pitt was accused by Robert Walpole of being young and theatrical, his retort was such:

The atrocious crime of being a young man, which the honorable gentleman has, with such spirit and decency, charged upon me, I shall neither attempt to palliate nor deny; but content myself with wishing that I may be one of those whose follies may cease with their youth, and not of that number who are ignorant in spite of experience. Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I will not, sir, assume the province of determining; but surely age may become justly contemptible, if the opportunities which it brings have passed away without improvement and vice appears to prevail when the passions have subsided.

Pitt's answer was I can't deny my youth , but I hope my mistakes stop in my youth and don't continue onwards as with others. Whether youth can be held against someone as a disgrace I won't say, but experience is no better if it brings no improvement or old and bad habits die hard.

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