Sunday 8 June 2008

If you can keep your head

The famous poem, IF by Rudyard Kipling starts,

"IF you can keep your head when all around are losing theirs"

During final exams and many other times of uncertainty, it is easy to lose your head, easy to worry, easy to fear and easy to blame God for hard times. Hard times are not bad times, they may sometimes feel like it but they reveal and build character and help you in the future.

Despite currently having the most important exams of my life at the moment, I feel at peace, despite clouds of uncertainty and the potential to feel insecure, I feel secure.

Why is this?

Is it because of my laid back, debonair nature and cool calm demeanour? Err, no

No, iti s very evidently the holy spirit in me producing peace, inspite of uncertainty and probably because of it. The fruits of peace have already helped me to witness during the exam period, as I am able to be confident, that if I do my best and fail, God still loves me. Ben's talk last week was very helpful on this. The peace of God distinguishes me from those who are panicking and "losing their heads" (metaphorically of course). And I am able to use this for the gospel.

At present I have two more weeks in Loughborough, before I leave to go to New Community Church, SE London. But I still face uncertainty, I have no job to go into yet, no house at present to move into (I'll move back home temporarily though) and I'll be leaving the place that has become home for the last 4 years. Yet in uncertainty I know God will provide and that he has given me peace to stand, oh his abundant grace how it keeps me and helps me to understand how blessed I am.

What more can I say, but that when faced with uncertainty what can I do but trust in God, who has never failed throughout all eternity.

Lastly I'll leave you with the words from this song

How great is the love of God
How steady is His hand
To guide me through this world
Though I am weak in Him I stand
And you will hear me say today,
In faith, I'm gonna trust in God

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